Yes, a new year is here and there are various things we have looked into doing for this year. Some of the scriptures we have looked into for this month are:
Genesis 1:1, ( “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”)
John 1:1, (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”)
Zechariah 4:9,10a, (“Zerubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has sent me. 10 Do not despise these small beginnings”)
Starting strong is important but having a plan and following through is very important. God had a plan before putting the earth in place, He also had a plan for you before you were born. Jeremiah 1:5 says “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”. You didn’t just show up on earth to add to the population, God brought you for a purpose.
Do you have a plan on how you and your family will grow spiritually this year? Have you set achievable goals that you and your family can follow this year? Make sure you have that so you can easily track your progress and ensure you achieve those goals.
If you don’t see an early progress, don’t give up. It may start slow, don’t look at the little progress made. Zachariah 4:9,10a says (“Zerubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has sent me. 10 Do not despise these small beginnings”). As long as you start, be consistent, persistent and prayerful and you will see results. Remember, prayer is very important.
I believe this year will be glorious for us all.
Thanks for reading and see you in the next month!
Generational Treasure.