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About Us

We give glory to God for the men, women and organizations that he has used to bless and nurture young lives from generation to generation. Generational Treasure is joining these ranks with the goal of presenting simple and sometimes advanced biblical and life principles in forms that are easily understood by children.

Generational Treasure is a ministry based in Ontario, Canada, dedicated to the production of music, videos, books, flash cards, games and other aids to enable the development of children, in the Christian faith.

At heart, Generational Treasure exists to equip today (parents, guardians and adults), to help tomorrow (the younger generation) develop into destiny fulfilling and Christ glorifying adults.

Our History

The inspiration behind Generational Treasure came to Oluyemisi and Oluwaseyi Aremu, in 2013, after the arrival of their first child. The couple subsequently welcomed their other children and have been busy in the ministry of parenting.

Oluyemisi is a project manager, singer, song writer, worship leader and teacher of the word. Oluwaseyi is an IT Professional, author and youth leader, who takes special interest in seeing those around him discover and achieve God’s purpose for their lives.

Their children have presented them with unique opportunities to utilize their combined God given gifts for the purpose of parenting, teaching, training and educating. Their children have also been the inspiration behind many of the aids that Generational Treasure has developed so far.

Generational Treasure was officially birthed in 2020.

Our Vision

Bold future generations of Christians with strong foundations in the scriptures and faith in Jesus.

Introducing "Treasured Hearts"

We will certainly have a wonderful time together with the Treasured hearts as they help in teaching us how to go about life with God’s word and with God on our side.


Journey To Planet Sound Action (Coming Soon)
When You Lie