Ps119:135 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
The word of God is so wonderful and powerful. It is God’s divine letter and instruction for us to live a fulfilled and victorious life.
I tell my son to go get something from his room upstairs even in the daytime, he would still turn the light on. Maybe it’s just become a part of him, I’m not sure but he always feels the need to have the lights on just to go get something from his room. He also doesn’t want to be scared and so he doesn’t crash into anything.
When it’s dark, it is necessary that he turns the light on so he can see.
The word of God is described as a lamp and a light. The word of God as a light helps us to see (Revelation), especially when everything around us seems to be dark. If we remain in the dark, we don’t know what lies ahead, we would panic just as everyone panics because they don’t know what’s in their path, even if they are on the right path. They don’t know if there are dangerous things around or if they are going in the right direction.
Having the word of God (His promises) and trusting what He has said keeps us at rest because we have the information many people do not have. We have the light and we see.
As long as the lights are on, my son is not scared because he can see where he’s going and will not fall.
We need to keep studying and meditating on the word of God (His promises for us), for it will always light our path in life.
By Oluyemisi Aremu.
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